Women of Fitzrovia on International Women’s Day

Women of Fitzrovia on International Women’s Day


Thursday 8 March  signals International Women’s Day across the world. This year we’re inviting you to the chapel to help us celebrate famous women associated with Fitzrovia.

The writers

The audio presentation, held at 13:00 on the day itself, will focus on women including  Virginia Woolf, Caitlin Thomas and Florence Nightingale. Woolf lived at 29 Fitzroy Square, a house previously owned by George Bernard Shaw. Caitlin and Dylan Thomas actually met in Fitzrovia and Florence Nightingale spent part of her illustrious career working at the former Middlesex Hospital.

‘ To watch a leaf quivering in the rush of air was an exquisite joy.’ – Virginia Woolf

The chapel’s Lineage programme

This International Women’s Day event is part of our Wireless Contemplation and Lineage series. This is an experimental programme aimed at bringing writers, artists and other notable Fitzrovia-related people to a wider audience. They all have strong links with the area, our culture, community and history.

Event details

Please come along to the chapel on Thursday 8 March at 13:00. The event is free and you just need to turn up. No ticket is required.

Tell us what you think

We’re trying out the Wireless Contemplation series and would value your feedback. Have you been to any of the other events? What did you think of this one? The events so far have been Rimbaud, Dylan Thomas’s A Child’s Christmas in Wales Kipling’s Just So Stories and  LGBT History Month. Please tell us your thoughts by emailing info@fitzroviachapel.org. Thank you very much.

Future Wireless Contemplation events

We will be running our Wireless Contemplation series throughout 2018. Please keep an eye on our website or social media accounts to find out details of future events. This is the link to our Facebook page which lists all our events including our weekly open days each Wednesday for quiet contemplation and reflection.