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Ten Minute Talks
Fitzrovia Chapel 2 Pearson Square, Fitzrovia, LondonJoin us for a free Ten-Minute Talk about the chapel. This can be a quick tour or focusing on one area of our history, architecture or famous people. Talks are...
Ten Minute Talks
Fitzrovia Chapel 2 Pearson Square, Fitzrovia, LondonJoin us for a free Ten-Minute Talk about the chapel. This can be a quick tour or focusing on one area of our history, architecture or famous people. Talks are...
Wedding Open House by Candlelight
Fitzrovia Chapel 2 Pearson Square, Fitzrovia, LondonJoin us for our Wedding Open House by Candlelight if you are planning your ceremony and would like details about holding it at the chapel. You don't need to book...