Tag: Tour

Ten Minute Talks

Ten Minute Talks

Join us for a free Ten-Minute Talk about the chapel. This can be a quick tour or focusing on one area of our history, architecture or famous people. Talks are at 1pm and repeated at 1.30pm. You don’t need to book and can just come along.

Ten Minute Talks

Ten Minute Talks

Join us for a free Ten-Minute Talk about the chapel. This can be a quick tour or focusing on one area of our history, architecture or famous people. Talks are at 1pm and repeated at 1.30pm. You don’t need to book and can just come along.

Ten Minute Talks

Ten Minute Talks

Join us for a free Ten-Minute Talk about the chapel. This can be a quick tour or focusing on one area of our history, architecture or famous people. Talks are at 1pm and repeated at 1.30pm. You don’t need to book and can just come along.

From living room to chapel room

From living room to chapel room

We hope you’re all safe, healthy and happy at home. If you’re missing the chapel, however, we might have the perfect thing. As part of our programme of trying to bring the best of the chapel to you while we’re all staying more at home, we’ve added a beautiful 3D virtual tour on to our...

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